2. go upstair / go downstair / go to see daddy
3. enough? (ทำเสียงสูงๆ ) / that's enough ! / would you like some more?
5. which one is a cat? / which one is an orange?
6. Ming ming(เขียนอย่างนี้รึป่าวน้อ) where are you?
house verb [T] to give a person or animal a place to live, or to provide space for something:
It will be difficult to house all the refugees.
The museum houses the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.
houseful noun a lot of people or things in your house:
We've got a houseful of visitors at the moment.
housing noun [U] buildings for people to live in:
There's a shortage of cheap housing in the region.
Home ไม่ได้เน้นที่วัตถุอย่างเดียวค่ะ มีความหมายที่ความรู้สึกด้วย
When you have a great friend, it could make you feel like home.
Where Home is more than just a place to live.
home adjective done at home, or intended to be used at home:
home cooking
home-brewed beer
a home computer
homeless adjective without a home:
Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families.
the homeless plural noun
people who do not have a home, usually because they are poor
homelessness noun [U]
One common cause of homelessness is separation or divorce.
chicken (BIRD) a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird which is cooked and eaten:
A male chicken is called a cock and a female chicken is called a hen.
Rooster US FOR cock
Mice plural of mouse
Mouse: a small mammal with short fur, a pointed face, and a long tail
Rat: a small rodent, larger than a mouse, which has a long tail and is considered to be harmful
Rodent: any of various small mammals with large sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats