น่าจะใช้คำนี้ได้นะคะ fix up แปลว่าทำแผล หรือเปล่าไม่แน่ใจนะคะในประโยคข้างล่างนี้คะ เอามาจากหนังสือลูกคะ
next day daddy was home from work. he went out to mow the lawn. and what do u think? he cut his finger on a slippery- sharp lawn mower blade!
" let me fix you up dad" said Dan.
' I know what to do". we'll wash your finger clean and bandage it up, and it will be better than new;.
Permalink Reply by Pat on April 24, 2010 at 10:56am
fix up = make good again. So yes. can be ทำแผล.
Also if you aren't well. (sick, ill) The doctor can fix you up or make you well again.
Permalink Reply by ปิ๊ก on April 24, 2010 at 10:39pm