Sunday Pre-School – Kiddee House
1. Shapes
10-15 mins: Circle time – songs, exercises, dancing etc. E.g. “Good
morning”, “ABC”, “Twinkle twinkle.”
Introduce letter of the week and have students trace or colour it in- Aa
10-15 mins: Introduce shapes on flashcards. Go round the circle asking students
to repeat the name. Depending on competency could play a game – teacher
holds up a shape and the first team to shout out the correct answer gets a point.
20 mins: Activity – Students place a cut out shape under their paper and use
crayons to make rubbings of the shape. Shape tracing with crayons for more
advanced students?
10-15 mins: Review the lesson, free play/ game, everyone help to clean up.
2. Body parts
10-15 mins: Circle time – songs, exercises, dancing etc. E.g. “Good
morning”, “ABC”, “Twinkle twinkle.”
Introduce letter of the week and have students trace or colour it in - Bb
10-15 mins: Introduce body parts – “everyone touch your…head.” “Everyone
touch your…. Arm” etc. Followed by the song head, shoulders, knees and toes.
20 mins: Activity – Handprints and finger painting
10-15 mins: Review the lesson, free play/ game, everyone help to clean up.
3. Fun with play dough
10-15 mins: Circle time – songs, exercises, dancing etc. E.g. “Good
morning”, “ABC”, “Twinkle twinkle.”
Introduce letter of the week and have students trace or colour it in - Cc
10-15 mins: Review body parts and shape flashcards.
20 mins: Activity – Play dough cooking
10-15 mins: Review the lesson, free play/ game, everyone help to clean up.
4. Animals
10-15 mins: Circle time – songs, exercises, dancing etc. E.g. “Good
morning”, “ABC”, “Twinkle twinkle.”
Introduce letter of the week and have students trace or colour it in - Dd
10-15 mins: Introduce animals with flashcards. Have students make the noise
the animal makes as well as saying the name.
20 mins: Activity – touchy feely box with plastic animals inside. Students take it
in turns to reach in and pull out an animal.
10-15 mins: Review the lesson, free play/ game, everyone help to clean up.
5. Letters A-D
10-15 mins: Circle time – songs, exercises, dancing etc. E.g. “Good
morning”, “ABC”, “Twinkle twinkle.”
Introduce letter of the week and have students trace or colour it in - Bb
10-15 mins: Review letters A – D with flashcards
20 mins: Activity – Decorate oversized letters with sensual materials such as
cotton wool or sand.
10-15 mins: Review the lesson, free play/ game, everyone help to clean up