อยากทราบว่า คำที่เขียนมามีออกเสียงว่าอย่างไร สงสัยมานานค่ะ เช่น
I am ย่อ I'm
He's she's It's They're We're
I'd He'd She'd They'd We'd
I'll He'll She'll They'll We'll
I' ve He' ve She' ve They' ve We' ve
I am = ไอ แอม
I'm = [ahym]
He's = /hiz; unstressed iz/ [heez; unstressed eez] (contraction of He is or He Has)
She's = [sheez] (contraction of She is or She has)
It's = [its] (contraction of It is or It has)
They're = [thair; unstressed ther]
We're = [weer]
I'd = /aɪd/ [ahyd] (contraction of I would or I had)
He'd = /hid; unstressed id/ [heed; unstressed eed] (contraction of He would or He had)
She'd = [sheed] (contraction of She would or She had)
They'd = [theyd] (contraction of They would or They had)
We'd = [weed] (contraction of We would or We had)
I'll = /aɪl/ [ahyl] (contraction of I will)
He'll = [heel; unstressed eel, hil, il] (contraction of He will)
She'll = [sheel; unstressed shil] (contraction of She will)
They'll = [theyl] (contraction of They will)
We'll = [weel; unstressed wil] (contraction or We will)
I've = [ahyv] (contraction of I have)
They've = [theyv] (contraction of They have)
We've = [weev] (contraction of We have)
He or She have ไม่มีนะค่ะ
เช็คเสียงในนี้ค่ะ http://dictionary.reference.com/