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Caillou in the bayou

[Narrator]: One very hot summer's day. Caillou and his family went on a trip to the country.
[Caillou's dad]: There should be a sign for the lake around here somewhere.
[Narrator]: Caillou liked looking at all the road signs.
[Caillou]: That's a deer!
[Caillou's mom]: Right, Caillou.That's a deer crossing sign.
[Caillou]: Do deer read signs like people?
[Caillou's mom]: No.
[Caillou]: Then how do they know to cross here?
[Caillou's mom]: The sign is for us to know that deer cross here, so we can drive carefully.
[Caillou]: oh. Is that the lake sign?
[Caillou's dad]: I'm not sure, but let's give it a try!
[Caillou's dad]: I hope this is the right place.
[Caillou]: Come on, Rosie, we're going swimming!
[Rosie]: Swimming!
[Narrator]: Caillou couldn't wait to cool off in the water.
[Caillou's dad]: Looks like we found a swamp instead of a lake!
[Caillou's dad]: Let's take a closer look.
[Narrator]: Caillou thought the water looked dirty.
[Narrator]: He couldn't even see the bottom.
[Caillou]: It smells funny.
[Rosie]: Yucky! Oh!
[Caillou's mom]: I don't think the animals that live here would like to hear you talking that way
about their home.
[Caillou]: what animals?
[Caillou's dad]: Shh! They're very shy.
[Caillou's dad]: We'll have to be very quiet and listen to find them.
[Narrator]: Caillou wondered what was making that sound.
[Caillou's dad]: Ah! Mosquitoes!
[Caillou's dad]: Good thing Mommy brought the repellent.
[Caillou's mom]: That's right. We don't want to be covered in itchy bug bites.
[Caillou's mom]: Be careful not to get it into your eyes, Caillou.
[Caillou's dad]: The mosquitoes think it smells bad too,so hopefully they'll stay away!
[Caillou's dad]: Some swamps are so big you could explore them for days.
[Caillou's dad]: And they're full of flamingos and alligators.
[Caillou]: Alligators!? Really?
[Caillou's dad]: Don't worry. There aren't any alligators in this swamp.
[Narrator]: Caillou was glad there weren't any alligators here.
[Narrator]: But now the swamp seemed a lot more interesting than it did before.
[Rosie] : Pretty!
[Caillou's dad]: I bet this dragonfly is looking for other bugs to eat.
[Caillou]: That bug is walking on top of the watter!
[Narrator]: Caillou was finding new things everywhere he looked.
[Caillou]: What are those?
[Caillou's mom]: Those are tadpoles. One day they'll grow up to be frogs.
[Caillou]: Really?
[Caillou's dad]:Let's take a closer peek..
[Caillou]: It's a big brother and a little sister!
[Caillou]: That's the grown-up daddy frog!
[Caillou's dad]: okay, daddy frog. Here are your babies back.
[Caillou's mom]: This looks like a good spot to have our lunch.
[Caillou's mom]: Careful, Caillou.
[Caillou]: I can do it!
[Narrator]: Caillou was proud that he made it to the other side without any help.
[Caillou's dad]: These binoculars should help you spot some animals.
[Caillou]: Wow! I can see far!
[Narrator]: Caillou imagined he was an explorer in a huge swamp.
[Caillou]: A baby alligator!
[Caillou]: Oh, a mommy alligator too! Wow!
[Narrator]: Caillou was glad he had the binoculars, so he could see the alligator from
far away and not get too close.
[Caillou's dad]: Ha! Ha! Caillou, look at you.
[Caillou]: Look , Daddy!
[Caillou's dad]: Hmm…That log looks a lot like an alligator.
[Caillou]: And a baby alligator!
[Caillou's mom]: Look! Over there! It's a blue heron. It's hunting for fish.
[Caillou]: He's having his lunch!
[Caillou's dad]: These pesky mosquitoes are eating me alive!
[Caillou]: Fishes are bird food sandwiches are people food and we're mosquito food!
[Narrator]: Caillou thought the swamp was fun, but he was glad there weren't any real
alligators there.
[Caillou's mom]: Ha! Ha! You sure got dirty today.
[Caillou's mom]: You'll have to wash up as soon as we get home.
[Caillou]: Oh! That's the sign for the lake! Can I wash there?
[Caillou]: Rosie, I'm an alligator!
[Narrator]: When caillou dried off, he found a couple of red bumps.
[Caillou]: I got mosquito bites!
[Caillou's mom]: Try not to scratch, honey.
[Caillou's mom]: the marks of a good swamp explorer!
[Rosie} : Rosie too!
[Caillou's dad]: And Daddy too!
Caillou of the Antarctic.

[Narrator]: In the summertime, Caillou likes to play outside with his friends Jason and Jeffrey,
even when it's a very very hot day!
[Jeffrey]: Over here, Caillou!
[Jason]: Pass it to me!
[Caillou] : My turn! Over here!
[Caillou] : Look at me!
[Jeffrey]: I wanna try!
[Jeffrey]: Are you okay?
[Narrator]: Caillou's head hurt a little bit, but not to much.
[Narrator]: Caillou was upset that Jeffrey had fallen on him.
[Caillou's dad]: It sure is hot today. Phew!
[Caillou] : Daddy! Jeffrey fell on me!
[Jeffrey]: I didn't mean to!
[Caillou's dad]: Well it doesn't look like a serious injury.
[Rosie]: Rosie kiss it better!
[Caillou's dad]: Better?
[Caillou] : Yeah.
[Jeffrey] : Sorry, Caillou.
[Caillou's dad]: That's okay jason. We know it was an accident.
[Jeffrey] : I'm Jeffrey.
[Caillou's dad]: Ha! Ha! I just can't tell you two apart!
[Caillou's dad]: Jeffrey didn't mean it, Caillou.
[Caillou's dad]: Things like this happen when you're playing and having fun.
[Narrator]: Caillou was still upset with Jeffrey.
[Narrator]: He thought his friend should have been more careful.
[Caillou] : The ice cream man!
[Caillou's dad]: Ice cream sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
[Caillou's dad]: Here, Rosie. I'll give you a ride.
[Caillou] : Mr. Ice Cream Man!
[Jeffrey] : Wait! Stop!
[Caillou's dad]: Ice cream for all my friends.
[Caillou] : It's nice and cold in there!
[Jeffrey] : I wish it was cold outside.
[Caillou] : It's only that cold when it's winter, but now it's summer and summer is hot!.
[Jeffrey] : It's cold all year in Ant-arc-ti-ca.
[Caillou] : Auntie who?
[Jeffrey] : It's not an auntie person, Caillou, it's a really cold place. I saw it in a book.
[Caillou's dad]: Antarctica is where penguins live.Penguins love to be cold.
[Caillou's dad]: Now everybody hurry and pick up what you want, or everything's going to melt!
[Caillou's dad]: Lick a little faster, Rosie.
[Caillou] : Tell us more about Ant-arctica, Daddy,
[Caillou's dad]: Well, the South Pole is there. And icebergs.
[Jeffrey] : I thought it was called the North Pole.That's where Santa lives.
[Caillou's dad]: There are two Poles. The North Pole is on top of the earth and he South Pole
is on the bottom.
[Jeffrey] : What's an iceberg? Is it made out of ice cream?
[Caillou's dad]: No,it's a huge island made of snow and ice.
[Rosie]: Sticky!
[Caillou's dad]: Let's go and get you cleaned up, Rosie.
[Narrator]: Caillou thought it would be wonderful if icebergs really were made of ice cream!
[Caillou] : Hello, penguins!
[Caillou] : Wow! That looks like fun!
[Caillou] : Wow! A chocolate ice cream-berg!
[Caillou]: That chocolate iceberg was delicious! Look at me! I'm a penguin!
[Jeffrey] : Me too!
[Rosie]: Caillou!
[Caillou] : Brrrr! It sure is cold here in Antarctica!
[Caillou's dad] : Brrrr! You're cold? Well, I guess you don't want to play in the sprinkler then.
[Caillou] : Oh! We're not really cold. We're just pretending.We're really,really hot!
[Caillou's dad]: Hot? No, I don't believe you.
[Caillou] : Oh! Whoa! So hot!
[Rosie]: Ah! Fall down?
[Caillou's dad]: okay, you've convinced me. Maybe this will cool you down.
[Narrator]: Caillou didn't mean to step on Jeffrey's foot. He felt bad.
[Caillou] : I'm sorry, Jeffrey! Are you okay?
[Jeffrey] : Yeah, I'm okay. Look out!
[Narrator]: Caillou was glad that Jeffrey wasn't mad at him.
[Narrator]: And Caillou wasn't upset with Jeffrey anymore because he knew Jeffrey
didn't mean to fall on him.
[Narrator]: So they were all best friends again.
Deep sea caillou.

[Jason] : You're it!
[Leo] : Can't catch me! I'm as fast as a shark!
[Caillou] :You're it!
[Caillou] : Hi, I'm Caillou. What's your name?
[Lee Wuhn.] : Lee Wuhn.
[Lee wuhn's mom] : You stay here while I talk to your teacher, okay?
[Caillou] : We're playing animal tag. I'm an eagle!
[Caillou] : You can be any animal you want. Jason's an Owl.Jeffrey's a lion,
Clementine's a horse, and Leo is a shark.
[Caillou] : Or maybe he's an octopus now. I'm not sure.
[Leo] : Is that a new kid?
[Caillou] : Yeah, her name is Lee Wuhn. She's kinda shy.
[Leo] : You're it!
[Teacher]: Children!
[Narrator]: Caillou remembered his first day at playschool. He was a little shy too.
[Narrator]: Until he started to make friends.
[Teacher]: Children, this is Lee Wuhn. This is her very first day at playschool.
[Teacher]: That's Emma, Xavier, Caillou, Leo, Clementine, Mara, Melanie, Wendy,
Jeffrey and Jason.
[Teacher]: I've got an extra special surprise for everyone today.
[Teacher]: We have… an aquarium!
[Teacher]: It's a present from the elementary school.
[Teacher]: They just got a new aquarium so they gave us their old one.
[Narrator]: Caillou was very excited about the new aquarium.
[Narrator]: He'd never seen such beautiful fish before.
[Caillou] : What kind of fish are they?
[Teacher]: Well , I know that those are goldfish..and those two are angelfish.
[Leo] : What's the one with the long pointy tail?
[Jason] : Is that a baby shark?
[Teacher]: No, a shark wouldn't fit in this aquarium.
[Caillou] : What's the stripey one called?
[Lee Wuhn.] : It's called…
[Teacher]: Yes, Lee wuhn? Do you know what it's called?
[Teacher]: I'm afraid I don't know what they all are.I'll bring in a book about fish tomorrow so
we can all learn their names.
[Caillou] : Look! There's a little crab in that seashell!
[Teacher]: We're also going to learn how to take of an aquarium.
[Teacher]: The most important thing of course is that the fish must be fed every day.
[Children]: Can I feed them? Can I please , Miss Martin?
[Teacher]: Ha! Ha! Ha! We'll take turns feeding them.
[Teacher]: Now I'll reach into the magic hat and pull out today's name. Which is .. Caillou!
[Caillou] : Wow! I'm the fish feeder!
[Teacher]: We don't want to feed them too much. This should be enough.
[Narrator]: Caillou was very carefull not to spill any of the fish food.
[Narrator]: He was very proud to have this important job.
[Jason]: Wow! Look at them go. They must be really hungry.
[Teacher]: Now, how about we all get our paints and brushes and paint some pictures
of our new fishy friends?
[Narrator]: Caillou thought the fish still looked hungry.
[Teacher]: Maybe they needed more food.
[Narrator]: Caillou imagined he was swimming in the aquarium with all the fish.
[Caillou] : Hello, goldfish!
[Caillou] : Peekaboo!
[Caillou] : It's suppertime!
[Lee wuhn]: You're giving them too much food.
[Caillou] : But they were still hungry.
[Lee wuhn]: Some fish, especially greedy goldfish, just keep eating and eating.
[Lee wuhn]: They sometimes die from top much food.
[Caillou] : Oh! No!
[Narrator]: Caillou certainly didn't want to hurt the fish by giving them too much food.
[Lee wuhn]: You see that green stuff ? It's called algae.
[Lee wuhn]: Too much of it is bad for the fish too.
[Caillou] : Here, I'll clean it off.
[Lee wuhn]: Snails eat algae. I'll bring some in from home.
[Caillou] : You have snails? Wow! And they like to eat this green guck?
[Lee wuhn]: Sure, to them it's as delicious as chocolate cake.
[Caillou] : Do you have an aquarium at home?
[Lee wuhn]: Yes, my Dad and I take care of it.
[Lee wuhn]: It's bigger than this one and has lots more fish.
[Caillou] : Do you ever pretend you're a deep sea diver and you're swimming in
your aquarium?
[Lee wuhn]: Sure, all the time!
[Lee wuhn]: See that fish there? That's a swordtail. Sometimes I pretend that I'm holding
its tail and riding all around the aquarium.
[Caillou] : I did too! What are the other fish called?
[Lee wuhn]: That striped one is called the zebra fish, the black one is a tetra,
and the one with the big top fin is a Sailfin Molly.
[Lee wuhn]: like moving into a new house.
[Teacher]: Lee Wuhn! You certainly know a lot about fish.
[Teacher]: Maybe you can tell us more about them to help us make our pictures.
[Caillou] : Lee Wuhn's got a really big aquarium at home and she's going to bring in
some snails to eat up all the yucky algae!
[Leo]: Is your aquarium big enough for sharks ?
[Lee wuhn]: Ha! Ha! It's not that big!
[Caillou] : I'm going to paint a picture of us being pulled by a swordtail fish!
[Narrator]: Caillou knew that Lee Wuhn wouldn't be so shy anymore because
she was making lots of friends.
Thx a lot ka... very helpful.
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