อีกละพี่เล็ก มาตอบอีกและ
1. The Fish don't eat the same ones/species.
2.You wanna feed the doll. You can take turn to eat each other.
3.If you get poliomyelitis,it's not conviniene to walk yourself cause you have atrophic limbs.
1.The fish do not eat the same species.
2.I will feed the doll. I eat one and the doll eat one
3.If you are polio, It make your leg ...... ไม่รู้ขาลีบใช้คำว่าอะไรอ่ะครับ
1. Fish don't eat thier own kind.
2. I will feed the doll. I will take a bite then the doll will take a bite.
3. If you have polio, your legs will be be flaccid and it will be difficult to walk.