I love you as much 95
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback: 24 pages
- Publisher: HarperCollins (March 15, 2005)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.9 x 0.1 inches

Bye Bye Pacifier 50
- Board book
- Publisher: Piggy Toes Press (2007)
- Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches

Where is Baby's Belly Button? 90
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 14 pages
- Publisher: Little Simon; 1 edition (September 1, 2000)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 6.6 x 0.4 inches

Baby's Day: Easy-Open Board Book (Easy-Open Board Books) [Board book] 90
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 16 pages
- Publisher: Candlewick (April 24, 2007)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 6.2 x 0.4 inches

Ruby's Potty (Orchard picturebooks) [Paperback] 100
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 24 pages
- Publisher: Orchard Books (June 27, 2002)
- Product Dimensions: 10.2 x 9.3 x 0.3 inches

6. When we play together 90
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 1 pages
- Publisher: Little Brown & Co (Juv); Brdbk edition (September 1994)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 5.1 x 0.5 inches

Scratch and Sniff: Halloween [Board book) 90
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 12 pages
- Publisher: DK Preschool; 1st edition (July 1, 2001)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions:6.3 x 6.1 x 0.3 inches

Baby Einstein: Baby Santa's Very Merry Christmas [Board Book] 30
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 10 pages
- Publisher: Hyperion Book CH (August 18, 2003)
- Language: English
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches

The M & M's Halloween Treat Book [Board book] 90
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Board book: 14 pages
- Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing (September 1, 2000)
- Product Dimensions:
7.1 x 7.1 x 0.4 inches

1, 2, 3 by Elmo (SesaME Books) [Board Book] 100
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (June 25, 2002)
- Product Dimensions:
8.2 x 6.4 x 0.3 inches

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Book 100
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper; Pap/Com edition (April 17, 2006)
- Product Dimensions:
12.5 x 9.4 x 0.6 inches

Miss Spider's New Car 90
Product Dimensions:
7.7 x 6.1 x 1.8 inches
If you're looking for the rich, rhyming language of
Miss Spider's New Car
13. Disney's Winnie the Pooh's Sweet Christmas [Hardcover] 90
- Hardcover
- Publisher: Disney Enterprises, Inc. (1998)
- Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 5.6 x 0.4 inches

14. Winnie the Pooh and his Friends (Friendship Box) [Hardcover] ขายท้งชุด 300 , แยกเล่มละ 100

The Strawberry Book of Shapes [Hardcover] 70
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill (Tx) (April 1977)

.Blue's Clues [Board book] ทั้ง set 250 แยกเล่มละ 100
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 10 pages
- Publisher: Simon Spotlight/Nickelodeon (September 1, 1999)
- Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 5.1 x 0.9 inches

17. Hop on Pop-Up (Mini Pops) [Board book] 100
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Board book: 12 pages
- Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (April 23, 2002)
- Product Dimensions:
5.8 x 4.2 x 0.7 inches

. Go, Dog. Go! (Beginner Books) [Hardcover] 100
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 72 pages
- Publisher: Random House/Beginner Books; 1st edition (March 12, 1961)
- Product Dimensions:
9.2 x 6.7 x 0.4 inches

Barnyard Dance! [BARNYARD DANCE-BOARD] [Board Books] 100

20. Games Babies Play 70

21. Candy Land Sweets and Treats 90
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks; First Printing edition (May 1, 2002)
- Product Dimensions:
9 x 6 x 0.2 inches

22. My first Book 70

23. Hello Kitty's Bedtime Search [Hardcover] 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 24 pages
- Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (October 12, 1982)

24.Clifford's Neighborhood (oversized Lift-the-flap) [Board book] 100
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Board book: 10 pages
- Publisher: Cartwheel Books (February 1, 2002)
- Product Dimensions:
11.3 x 11.3 x 0.4 inches

25. Clifford's Big Red Easter [Hardcover] 70
Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 5.3 x 0.4 inches

26. Clifford Counts 1 2 3 [Hardcover] 70

27. When I Wear My Tiara [Hardcover] 90
- Hardcover: 24 pages
- Product Dimensions:
8.3 x 7.7 x 0.8 inches

28. Zoo Crew [Board book] 50
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Board book: 14 pages
- Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap (June 16, 1997)
- Product Dimensions:
6.4 x 6.4 x 0.4 inches

29. Little Grown-Ups 50