Permalink Reply by Pat on November 20, 2009 at 1:29pm
Rules of the Road for Bike Riding
Here are some must-know safety tips to teach kids:
* Stop at all stop signs and obey traffic lights just as cars do. Yield to pedestrians, stop at red lights, and be especially careful at intersections.
* Always ride in the same direction as cars do. Never ride against traffic.
* Try to use bike lanes or designated bike routes whenever you can — not the sidewalk!
* Never ride at dusk or in the dark.
* Always stop and check for traffic in both directions when leaving a driveway, an alley, or a curb.
* Watch traffic closely for turning cars or cars leaving driveways.
* Don't ride too close to parked cars — doors can open suddenly.
* Always walk a bike across busy intersections using the crosswalk and following traffic signals.
* When riding in a group, always ride single file on the street.
* When passing other bikers or people on the street, always pass to their left and call out "On your left!" so they'll watch for you.
* Never share the seat with a friend or ride on the handlebars — only one person should be on a bike at a time. It's easy to lose balance or suddenly swerve into traffic when riding with a passenger.
* Never wear headphones while biking — it's essential to hear everyone else on the road at all times.
* Never stand up while riding a bike.
* Never hitch a ride on a moving vehicle.
* Never change directions or lanes without first looking behind you, and always use the correct hand signals. Use your left arm for all hand signals:
o Left turn: After checking behind you, hold your arm straight out to the left and ride forward slowly.
o Stop: After checking behind you, bend your elbow, pointing your arm downward in an upside down "L" shape and come to a stop.
o Right turn: After checking behind you, bend your elbow, holding your arm up in an "L" shape, and ride forward slowly. Or, hold your right arm straight out from your side.
1. ride in the rim of left lane , don't ride in the middle of the lane to provent the accident
2. the bike is used for riding no tuging honey.
3. if you want to go to playground, you should ride your bike. I won't bring you there if you still tug your bike
4. it's too crowd here, please don't run otherwise you might get lose
5.queue up for paying there honey and don't forget the change.