1.A snooker table has 6 pockets, 4 pockets at the conner and 2 pockets at the center.
2.On the snooker table has many color of ball. A player must to enter the ball into pockets for get a points.
Each ball has a different point value: red=1, yellow=2, green=3, brown=4, blue=5, pink=6, and black=7.
1. There are 6 pockets on the pool table, one at each corner of the table (corner pockets) and one at the midpoint of each of the longer sides.
2. There are many (pool) balls with diiferent colors on the pool table. They are used to play various pool (pocket billiards) games, such as eight-ball, nine-ball and one-pocket.
The colour balls are sometimes numbered American-style, with their point values.