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Well, hello there!
It looks like it's only going to be the two of us for story time.
Oh, I'm not going to be alone after all.
Today's story is called, "Caillou gets sick."
Caillou wasn't feeling good that morning. His forehead was very warm.
Mom : I think you have a little fever. I'll bring you something to make it better.
You'd better rest.
After a while Caillou thought that wasn't much fun to stay in bed.
Mom : Caillou, go back to bed!
Caillou : I don't want to be in bed!
Mom : Here, this'll make you feel better.
The next day, something strange happened!
Caillou : Mommy!
Mom : Hi! Are you feeling better?
Caillou : Look!
Mom : Ummm. That looks like chicken-pox.
Caillou : Chicken-pox?
Mom : And I'm afraid that means you have to go back to bed.
And you mustn't scratch yourself.
Caillou : Why?
Mom : Because that'll make those spots worse, sweetie.
Mom : No scratching, Caillou! Your bath is ready.
You won't be sick very long. You'll see.
The hardest part for Caillou was to remember not to scratch the itchy spots.
Mom : Were you scratching again?
Caillou : A little bit. What's that?
Mom : A little something. Here, let me see your dinosaur a minute.
Caillou : He looks like me! I wanna do it!
When Caillou and his mommy were done covering the dinosaur with dots,
he looks just like he had a chicken-pox, too.
Caillou didn't like being stuck inside the house.
He wanted to be outside playing with Rosie.
Caillou : Look, Mommy! Lots of spots are gone! Can I go out and play?
Mom : Not yet, sweetie.
Mom : Are you ready for your bath?
Caillou : Okay. Can my dinosaur take a bath with me?
Mom : He can watch, but he can't come in water with you.
Caillou thought this spots would never disappear.
But one morning they were almost gone.
Dad : Hello, Caillou! Hey, your dinosaur has lost lots of spots.
Caillou : Like me!
Dad : Really? Show me!
Caillou : Bye!
Caillou went to tell Rosie that at last he could play with her in the garden.
Caillou : Hi, Rosie! Look, my spots were all gone! Oh! Mommy!
Mom : What is it?
Caillou : Rosie has the chicken-pox.
Mom : You're right.
Caillou : You take lots of bath and you'll lose all your spots like my dinosaur.
Rosie : Yeah!
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