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I hurt myself all the time. ฉันนี่ชอบทำตัวเองเจ็บอยู่เรื่อยเลย
So do I. เหมือนกันพับผ่าซิ
I very seldom cut myself. ฉันไม่เคยบาดใช้ของมีคมบาดตัวเองเลย
Nether do I. ฉันก็ไม่เคย
You use "either" when you are agreeing with someone. For example, in your conversation, Mama agrees with Kung in not being able to see Momo (great name!).
Other examples with "either" (remember that these are conversations because someone must agree with someone else):
A: I haven't seen the new Twilight movie yet.
B: I haven't seen it either.
A: I don't like watching Twilight movies.
B: I don't like watching them either.
"Neither" is an easier way of agreeing with someone:
A: I haven't seen the new Twilight movie yet.
B: Me neither.
A: I don't like watching Twilight movies.
B: Me neither.
You are agreeing about "not" liking/having/wanting/going, so you can use "neither". Saying "Me neither" or "Neither do I" is shorter than having to say the whole sentence (I don't like going to the shopping mall either).
Either or Neither can also be about choosing something.
For example:
A: Do you want strawberry ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
B: Either one.
A: Do you want to go to MK Suki or Yum Saap?
B: Either one.
By saying "either" you are saying that you are happy with both, so it doesn't matter which one is picked.
A: Do you want strawberry ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
B: Neither one.
A: Do you want to go to MK Suki or Yum Saap?
B: Neither one.
By saying "neither" you are saying that don't like the choices, so you won't pick one.