1. Itsy bitsy spider and other action rhymes (Reading together at home) 50
- Patrice Aggs (Author)
- Paperback
- Publisher: Candlewick Press (1998)
- Product Dimensions:
8 x 6.8 x 0.2 inches

mammalabilia [Paperback] 50
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 48 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper (April 1, 2004)
- Product Dimensions:
10.1 x 10 x 0.1 inches
Amazon.com Review
Douglas Florian--creator of Insectlopedia, In the Swim,
and other poetic tributes to creatures great and small--turns his
unbounded talent for wordplay and shameless punnery to the order of
mammals in
Mammalabilia. Twenty-one short, original poems and splendid paintings celebrate
(or jovially mock) animals from giraffes ("Rubber necker/
Double-decker/ Cloud-checker/ Star-trekker") to

In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers [Paperback] 50
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Lee & Low Books (January 30, 2001)
- Product Dimensions:
9 x 9 x 0.2 inches
Amazon.com Review
"When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like
him." This simple, yet potentially double-edged Ashanti proverb begins
Javaka Steptoe's picture-book debut, a powerful collection of poems
celebrating African American fathers, by new and established African
American writers.
4. Benjamin Visits Grandma & Grandpa (Benjamin Sticker Story Book) [Paperback] 50
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback
- Publisher: Sterling Pub Co Inc (March 1999)
- Product Dimensions:
11 x 7.8 x 0.2 inches

5. Things I Like (Read to a Child!: Level 2) [Paperback] 50
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback: 24 pages
- Publisher: Dragonfly Books (June 17, 1989)
- Product Dimensions:
7.8 x 7 x 0.1 inches
Things I Like includes activities most children will have experienced or hope to: dressing up, kicking a ball, wading in the sea (wearing
waterwings, of course).

6. Don't Be Afraid, Monster (Sight Word Tales: don't, be, there, under) [Paperback] 50
paper back copy, 1st printing, 16 pages, children's reader, large clear text for ease in reading

7. Kisses Book 70
- 32 pages
- Publisher: Scholastic Book
A delightful depiction of a universal bedtime routine, told with warmth and humor.

8. Farm Flu [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company (January 1, 2001)
- Product Dimensions:
10 x 7.3 x 0.1 inches
PreS-Gr 2-A humorous rhyming story that's as much fun to look at as it is to read. Mom leaves the farm in her son's hands for the day and while
she is gone, the animals all come down with the flu.

There's a Zoo in Room 22 [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 9-12
- Paperback: 40 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper (July 1, 2004)
- Product Dimensions:
11.1 x 9.1 x 0.2 inches
Amazon.com Review
Judy Sierra, award-winning author of such superb picture books as Counting Crocodiles and Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems
strikes gold again with this playful collection of animal alphabet

Poetry for Young People: Carl Sandburg [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 9-12
- Paperback: 48 pages
- Publisher: Sterling (April 1, 2008)
- Product Dimensions:
10 x 8.6 x 0.2 inches
Each poem is accompanied by definitions of difficult words

11. Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 9-12
- Paperback: 48 pages
- Publisher: Sterling (April 1, 2008)
- Product Dimensions:
10 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches
Frost contains a three-page overview of the poet's life, 29 poems selected and arranged around the seasons of the year, brief and apt
commentaries on each, and a useful index of titles and subject matter.

12. Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers: A Collection of Family Poems[Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; 1 edition (September 1, 2001)
- Product Dimensions:
10.6 x 7.4 x 0.1 inches
Pleasant poems for and about everyone in the family; verses are happy, bouncy, poignant, and sometimes serious. A multicultural smorgasbord -
nicely written and appealingly illustrated.
13. Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry; 1st edition (April 3, 2001)
- Product Dimensions:
11.3 x 8.8 x 0.5 inches
Songwriter and television comedy writer Katz provides ludicrous lyrics to 14 traditional tunes, offering playful parodies on some familiar
routines. To the tune of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," a boy wearing
roller skates claims he has been soaking so long in the tub that he
"used one, two, three bars of soap/ Take me out... I'm clean!"

14. What If? [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Little Tiger Pr; 1 edition (January 1997)
- Product Dimensions:
10.4 x 9 x 0.1 inches
When they find out a kangaroo is coming to stay, the barnyard animals at Buttercup Farm get very worried. They've never seen a kangaroo
before. What if she crows better than Rooster, or catches more mice
than Cat? Or gives creamier milk than Cow? Then they would all be
out of jobs! But when she finally arrives, the animals learn what a
kangaroo can really do.

15. The Night Before Christmas 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Putnam Juvenile; 10 Anv edition (September 11, 2008)
- Product Dimensions:
9.3 x 11.1 x 0.4 inches
Another holiday keepsake from a master

16. Row, Row, Row Your Boat [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing (February 2002)
- Product Dimensions:
9.6 x 8.4 x 0.2 inches
PreSchool-Gr-1-Clever additional verses make this classic song splendidly unique.

17. How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Blue Sky Press; 1ST edition (February 1, 2003)
- Product Dimensions:
12.1 x 9 x 0.5 inches
Amazon.com Review
double-page spread features one enormous dinosaur looking wan and
sniffly but mostly cranky, petulant, ornery, sullen, and disagreeable.
The human moms and dads are visibly worried and/or frustrated by their
sick dinos behaving badly. Witness the nice lady dragging her gigantic
out of the elevator and across the hall to the doctor's office: "What
if a dinosaur goes to the doc? Does he drag all his feet till his mom is
in shock?" The look on this mom's face will be familiar to anyone who's
ever forcibly moved a child, who seems to have suddenly gained a
million pounds, from one place to another. And of course, it turns out
that dinosaurs
don't misbehave when they're sick: "He drinks lots
of juice, and he gets lots of rest. He's good at the doctor's, 'cause
doctors know best."

Goldilocks and the Three Bears 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Putnam Juvenile (May 7, 1996)
- Product Dimensions:
9.9 x 8 x 0.1 inches
In Jan Brett's
Goldilocks, the bears and the slightly audacious flaxen-haired heroine all sport
traditional (Black Forest?) costumes with detailed embroidery, and the
wooden furniture is carved with bears, birds, and flowers. (Intricate
borders--carved wooden panels in this book--are Jan Brett's special

19. When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: HarperCollins (August 18, 1995)
- Product Dimensions:
8.8 x 10 x 0.2 inches
evoke a healthy child's proud sense of self.

Shark Trouble! [Paperback] 70
- Paperback
- Publisher: Scholastic Inc. (2004)
- Product Dimensions:
10.1 x 8.8 x 0.2 inches

The Selfish Giant (A Michael Neugebauer book) [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: North-South Books (Nord-Sud Verlag AG); 4th edition (August 1994)
- Product Dimensions:
10.9 x 7.8 x 0.2 inches
A once selfish giant welcomes the children to his previously forbidden garden and is eventually rewarded by an unusual little child

Spaghetti Eddie [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Boyds Mills Press; Reprint edition (September 2009)
- Product Dimensions:
10.7 x 8.3 x 0.2 inches
PreS.-Gr. 2 Eddie eats spaghetti every day except Sundays (he eats ravioli on Sundays). His mom sends him to the store to
buy frosting for his father's birthday cake, and off he goes, spaghetti
bowl tucked under his arm. He offers a noodle to a neighbor to replace a
broken shoelace, ties a series of noodles together for a fishing net to
help another neighbor, and even foils a robbery at Friendly Foods by
throwing a well-aimed meatball at the thief. All the neighbors turn up
for the birthday party, which includes Eddie's dad's

Countdown to Kindergarten [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper (July 1, 2006)
- Product Dimensions:
11 x 8.5 x 0.1 inches

24. Big Machines! Big Buildings! 70
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Scholastic (January 2001)
- Product Dimensions: 12 x 8 x 0.2 inches

Arthur Meets the President: An Arthur Adventure 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (September 1, 1992)
- Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.1 x 0.1 inches
When Arthur wins a trip to Washington, D.C., for his essay, ""How I Can Help Make America Great,"" he learns a lot about the White House,but frets about forgetting his speech in front of the president

26. One of Each [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (September 1, 2000)
- Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 9.9 x 0.1 inches
Kindergarten-Grade 2. Oliver Tolliver thinks that his "one-of-each" treasures are perfect until he realizes that something is missing?a friend. A singular picture book with a bouncy text and comical animal characters.

Plantzilla [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper (August 1, 2005)
- Product Dimensions:
9 x 12 x 0.1 inches
Kindergarten-Grade 3-At the end of the school year, Mortimer takes a plant home from his third-grade classroom. Throughout the summer, Plantzilla continues to grow and Mortimer continues to love and nurtureit. Strange things ensue. His quiet, boring, well-ordered household,
complete with well-mannered cat and prize-winning Chihuahua, is totally disrupted: the plant starts to grow tentacles and to eat meat (the dog disappears) and perform all sorts of amazing feats. The boy's parents begin to worry, but the protagonist is delighted with his clever plant. The text is all in the form of letters-from Mortimer to his teacher describing the progress of his plant, from Mortimer's mother to Mr.Lester complaining about it, and from Mr. Lester to each of them.

The mystery artist 70
- Publisher: Riverbank Press (1996)
- Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.2 x 0.1 inches
29. Little Raccoon's Big Question 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Greenwillow Books; 1st edition (March 16, 2004)
- Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 9.5 x 0.4 inches
PreS-Gr. 1. Picture books built around heart-tugging dialogue between parents and children aren't exactly scarce, but this one is worth adding to the shelves. Little Raccoon asks his mother, "When do you love me most of all?" In guessing her response ("Is it at feeding time, when I wash my food and am very neat when I eat?"), he reveals a deep pride in his accomplishments as well as tidbits about raccoon behavior.

30. Mooseltoe 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Hyperion; 1st edition (August 28, 2000)
- Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.7 x 0.4 inches
This charming verse story, told in a singsong rhythm, stars a moose who is determined that his family's Christmas will be "perfectly perfect."Moose "shopped till he dropped. Check," and "baked tons of tins of cookies. Check,"--but in his haste he completely forgets to buy a Christmas tree. After a long, fruitless search in the snow on Christmas Eve, he finally has to do the heroic thing: stand in a
corner and become the tree himself.

Moosetache [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Hyperion Book CH (May 19, 1999)
- Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.6 x 0.1 inches
Kindergarten-Grade 2. Moose has an unruly "moosetache" that interferes with his skiing, his cooking, and his dancing. Rather than cut it, he tries tying it and parting it until?in shades of Dr. Seuss's Thidwick?a family of squirrels moves in. When he meets a female moose who has
solved her own long hair problems with glue, it's a match made in heaven.

32. I Love You Stinky Face [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Cartwheel (March 2004)
- Product Dimensions:
10.6 x 9 x 0.1 inches
PreSchool-Grade 1. A child tucked into bed delays going to sleep, needing reassurance of her mother's love. The youngster asks, "Would you still love me....if I were a big scary ape?" or "a super smelly skunk"or "a terrible meat-eating dinosaur," and the list continues. No matter what horrible creature is imagined, Mama says she will always love and care for her child.

When the Fly Flew In . . . 70
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Trumpet; 1ST edition (1996)
- Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.6 x 0.2 inches
A darling tale about a dog chasing a fly and the mayhem that it caused.

Jamie O'Rourke and the Pooka 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Publisher: Perfection Learning (January 2002)
- Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 8.2 x 0.3 inches
Award-winning author and artist Tomie de Paola has created another lively folk tale based on traditional Irish lore.

The Web Files 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Hyperion; 1 edition (April 16, 2001)
- Product Dimensions: 11 x 9.1 x 0.2 inches

Is Your Mama a Llama? 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback
- Publisher: Scholastic
- Product Dimensions: 12.8 x 8.4 x 0.6 inches

37. Little Bear's Trousers 70
- Reading level: Baby-Preschool
- Hardcover: 28 pages
- Publisher: Philomel (February 15, 1999)
- Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 5 x 0.7 inches
PreSchool-Grade 1 One morning, Little Bear wakes to find his trousers missing, so he goes from one stuffed-animal friend to another in search of them. Each time, he's one step behind, finding that his clothing has been used and passed along: Sailor tried them as sails for his boat,Rabbit as a hat, with plenty of room for his ears, etc. Finally, Little Bear re trieves his trousers from Bramwell Brown, who has converted them to a double-barreled icing bag to decorate the cake he's baked. All share the cake in celebration of the trousers' return.

The Pelican Chorus: and Other Nonsense [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 40 pages
- Publisher: HarperCollins (May 4, 2004)
- Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 11 x 0.2 inches

Stellaluna - Oversize edition [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 48 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper; Oversize edition (February 15, 1997)
- Product Dimensions: 16.6 x 16.2 x 0.3 inches
40. The Falling Leaves [Paperback] 70
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Scholastic (2002)
- Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.9 x 0.1 inches
All the fall leaves have big plans to twist and twirl in the autumn wind, but not Yellow Hickory. Yellow Hickory is afraid. The other leaves laugh at her. The wind has a few surprises for all of them!

41. Boom Chicka Rock 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Philomel; First Edition edition (April 26, 2004)
- Product Dimensions:
11.3 x 8.9 x 0.4 inches
PreSchool-Grade 1-At night, mice wearing numbers emerge one by one from the kitchen clock. Ready to play, they prepare for a rollicking party with birthday cake served on the good china, but they have to be wary of Max the cat. Predictably, the feline awakens, with readers becoming
aware of this fact before the rodents do. It is not clear why, but they must return to the clock by midnight, because "Tomorrow can't begin/Till every hour is home/And every number's tucked in," thus providing an element of suspense to the tale. The rollicking refrain-"Boom Chicka Rock, Chicka Rock, Chicka Boom!"-will have children moving to the rhythm, but at times the rhymes seem forced. Unfortunately, too many details clutter the text-the mice refer to Max by name and also as Lion.
The numerous references to dances are fun-the Electric Slide, the Bunny Hop, Tango, Fandango-but again, complicate the verses.

42. The Magic Hat [Paperback] 70
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: Sandpiper (May 1, 2006)
- Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches
Preschool-Grade 3--A whirling, magical hat sweeps into a bustling park, transforming each adult on whom it alights into a fun-loving animal.